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Idiot Scratch Prevention Tool™

"Protect the ones that protect the ones you love"™

More than 150,000 sold! 

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in the USA!

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The ISPT™ (US Patent Numbers 8,312,664 and 8,701,329) protects the finish of the frame of your pistol during disassembly and/or reassembly.  It effectively covers the area of a pistol that is most susceptible to what some folks affectionately call an “idiot scratch”.

Idiot Scratch

Don't let this happen to your beloved companion! ISPT Bullet


Disassembly of many pistols requires the user to remove the slide stop from the frame, and reassembly requires the user to replace the slide stop into the frame.  Doing so requires several simultaneous activities, not the least of which is precise retraction of the slide, sometimes against recoil spring tension (depending upon the model of the pistol). 

With all of this going on, it is quite easy to scratch the frame of the pistol in an arc-shaped manner, as the lug of the slide stop is rotated downward or upward.  Almost every pistol owner has experienced this frustration!


Simply place the ISPT™ on the pistol when you begin disassembly, and leave it there until reassembly is complete.

Precisely die-cut from non-marring materials, the ISPT™'s thickness ranges from just .007” to .014”, depending on the model.  This enables it to fit between the slide stop and frame. 

A snug fit around the pistol’s magazine release button ensures that the ISPT™ remains firmly in place, freeing both of the user's hands for other tasks.


For love and money, of course…

FOR LOVE:  Because an idiot scratch on a pistol is like a belt buckle scratch on a classic muscle car – it is an avoidable blemish on the finish of a mechanical work of art!  A scratch received in the line of duty is one thing, but an idiot scratch is something else entirely.

FOR MONEY:  To paraphrase a comment we noted recently on a firearms owners' forum, "I love idiot scratches.  They make the pistols I buy cheaper."  Many pistols can easily cost more than $1,000 (not to mention special editions, commemoratives, and high-end customs).  An idiot scratch can seriously detract not only from the pistol's aesthetics, but also from its value.  Spending a few dollars on an ISPT™ is a clear risk-to-cost-analysis winner.


You may have gotten very good at handling pistols, and you think an idiot scratch will never happen to you (again)…

But, think about it:

 An auto mechanic may be very skilled at making sure he doesn’t scratch a car’s finish.  However, the prudent mechanic still removes jewelry and makes sure his belt buckle is not exposed.

 Some folks are very good with electricity.  I bet 999 times out of 1,000 they could change out an electrical device while working the circuit “hot”, and never get a jolt.  However, the prudent electrician still shuts down the breaker first.

 Some drivers have logged several million highway miles in their lifetime, and have never had so much as a close call.  However, the prudent driver still wears a seatbelt.

 Over the span of more than 40 years, I have fired many tens of thousands of rounds from weapons ranging from a slingshot to a 5-inch deck mount, and have never once had a piece of anything hit me in the face.  However, I still wear eye protection.

Thousands of workers have spent many years on the job site, without ever having an object fall on them.  However, the prudent worker still wears a hardhat.

The ISPT™ is just like any other safety device.  It is there to avoid the negative effects of that 1 time out of 1,000 when things don’t go as they should – even for the most experienced worker.  It only takes a second to use an ISPT™.  Your pistol’s finish is worth it.


The ISPT™ eliminates all worry of committing that simple,
irreversible, maddening, frustrating, “Idiot!”-screaming error!


ISPT Bullet For payments by check or money order, please make payable to We-deas, Inc. and mail to:

We-deas, Inc.
525 Allegheny Street, Unit 361
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648


Pennsylvania Sales Tax License Information:

Account ID: 84860266
Notice #858-263-614-060-2
Notice Date: 06-07-2014

©Copyright 2009-2024    We-deas Inc. All rights reserved.
US Patents 8,312,664 and 8,701,329.

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*The use of a particular model of pistol in the photos depicted on this website is for demonstration purposes only, and does not constitute endorsement of the ISPT™ by the pistol manufacturer. Any brand names used on our website are for the sole use of identifying the models of the pistols and are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the rightful Trademarked or Registered owners.

*We-deas Inc. is not responsible for any injury or damage that may occur as a result of using the ISPT™.

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